Applications Process (Currently Closed)
1. Complete the online application Click here for the online application 2. Ask one teacher to submit the Teacher Recommendation Form (due Friday, May 1) Click here for the online version of the form Click here for the Microsoft Word version of the form - it can be emailed to [email protected] If you have any questions about the program or the application, come visit our staff during office hours at periods 4, 5 or 6 on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday in STC Lab C. **Update for COVID-19: Please email us at [email protected] with any questions. We will work with you to make sure all of your questions are answered. |
Who Can Apply:
We are looking for high school sophomore students in Evanston who fit most of the following criteria:
Evanston Scholars serves ETHS sophomores who have the potential and commitment to go to college, but who do not have the resources to succeed on their own. Please note: Evanston Scholars is a comprehensive college prep and retention program. We require our Scholars to exhibit a commitment to actively and consistently participate in our programs.
Do you know a potential Evanston Scholar? If you are a teacher/administrator, church member, community leader, family member, etc. and would like to have a representative from Evanston Scholars speak to a group of your students/parents about this opportunity, please contact Steve Newman, Executive Director at: [email protected] Or, you can Nominate a Scholar here.
- Academically ambitious, motivated, and committed as evidenced by a strong academic performance (over 2.7 GPA)
- Come from a low-income household
- Person of color
- First-generation college student
- Committed to their education and have a strong desire to complete college
Evanston Scholars serves ETHS sophomores who have the potential and commitment to go to college, but who do not have the resources to succeed on their own. Please note: Evanston Scholars is a comprehensive college prep and retention program. We require our Scholars to exhibit a commitment to actively and consistently participate in our programs.
Do you know a potential Evanston Scholar? If you are a teacher/administrator, church member, community leader, family member, etc. and would like to have a representative from Evanston Scholars speak to a group of your students/parents about this opportunity, please contact Steve Newman, Executive Director at: [email protected] Or, you can Nominate a Scholar here.
- Scholars are interviewed in late May/early June
- Students will be notified of acceptance decision in mid-June
(throughout the six year program):
Other Services Provided:
Please contact our Executive Director, Steve Newman, at [email protected] or 847-287-9022
Please contact our Executive Director, Steve Newman, at [email protected] or 847-287-9022